Causes We Support

At Megan’s Rainbow of Hope, we believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from supporting one another. We aim to create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that touches lives far and wide. Each initiative we support is a testament to our commitment to making a difference. Join us in our journey to uplift those in need and inspire hope. Together, we can turn dreams into reality and foster a brighter future for all.

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Shelter Care

Shelter Care is a non-profit organization located in Tallmadge, Ohio that provides various types of services and programs for at-risk youths ranging from ages 6-17, outreach services for young people from ages 16-24 and counseling services that include individual, group, couples & family counseling.

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Rubber City Rescue

Organizations like Rubber City Rescue that help families with the pets in times of need, provide rescue services for animals and help provide forever homes for homeless animals is a valuable asset to the community. A majority of funding for this organization comes from donations and fundraising.

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Girls On the Run

Girls On The Run is an organization that promotes positive mental health and physical fitness to young girls. There are programs for girls in grades 3-5 and for girls in grades 6-8. These programs help girls train for a 5K run held at the end of each training season.

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Guns To Gardens

Guns To Gardens is a national movement focusing on people turning over firearms. People can turnover firearms no questions asked in exchange for a gift card and a garden tool made from a decommissioned weapon.

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Shelter Care is a non-profit organization located in Tallmadge, Ohio that provides various types of services and programs for at-risk youths ranging from ages 6-17, outreach services for young people from ages 16-24 and counseling services that include individual, group, couples & family counseling. Shelter Care was founded in 1972 by Dave Fair.

A large portion for the funding of Shelter Care comes from donations, proceeds from fundraising events and from an annual fundraising dinner. Please visit Shelter Care’s website to make a donation, investigate volunteer opportunities and learn about available programs & resources.

Shelter Care’s Annual Dave Fair Fundraiser Dinner held on 10/3/2024 was in honor of Megan. The theme for this dinner was “Throw kindness around like confetti” a quote used by Megan.

“Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti!”

– Megan Keleman

Megan Would Always Find Ways to be a Helper.

While pursuing her masters degree in finance, Megan worked part-time as a bookkeeper at Shelter Care. Due to working at Shelter Care and being exposed to working at a non-profit organization that provides help in the community, she took course work with an emphasis on non-profit organizations. Megan wanted to work in the non-profit industry to make sure the necessary resources were provided to people needing help physically and mentally. Shelter Care saw Megan’s drive, ambition & passion and offered her a full time position upon graduation. Megan was truly on her way of making a positive impact in the community by working at Shelter Care.

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Rubber City Rescue

Megan was a huge dog lover and a proud “Dog Mom!” While Megan was growing up, the family had a Yellow Lab named Cooper. Megan truly loved Cooper. A few years after the passing of Cooper, the family decided to get another dog. With Megan’s persuasion, the family adopted a Black Lab named Penny. Megan spoiled Penny and she went everywhere with Megan. Penny was Megan’s “baby.” Megan was so proud of Penny and she was always sharing stories about Penny with family, friends and coworkers. Penny was in the car during the tragic event that took Megan from us. Needing love, care, and attention from experiencing a traumatic event, Rubber City Rescue stepped in to take care of Penny and bring her safely back to her family several hours later. Organizations like Rubber City Rescue that help families with the pets in times of need, provide rescue services for animals and help provide forever homes for homeless animals is a valuable asset to the community. A majority of funding for this organization comes from donations and fundraising.

Megan Would Always Find Ways to be a Helper.

While pursuing her masters degree in finance, Megan worked part-time as a bookkeeper at Shelter Care. Due to working at Shelter Care and being exposed to working at a non-profit organization that provides help in the community, she took course work with an emphasis on non-profit organizations. Megan wanted to work in the non-profit industry to make sure the necessary resources were provided to people needing help physically and mentally. Shelter Care saw Megan’s drive, ambition & passion and offered her a full time position upon graduation. Megan was truly on her way of making a positive impact in the community by working at Shelter Care.

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Girls on the Run

Girls On The Run is an organization that promotes positive mental health and physical fitness to young girls. There are programs for girls in grades 3-5 and for girls in grades 6-8. These programs help girls train for a 5K run held at the end of each training season. Each program helps girls develop physical abilities, promote positive self-esteem by achieving goals, develop social interaction by working with other girls and learn how to adapt to changes that come along. All valuable lessons that can always be used in all situations throughout life.

Volunteers are always needed. Organizations like Girls On The Run operate on donations and fundraising. Please check out their website for more information.

Megan on the Run

During middle school and high school Megan was in Cross Country and participated in Track. Megan enjoyed running in her later years. Whether it was on campus at CSU or spending time at home, Megan would go for a run. Megan liked the individual accomplishment of finishing a race but also supported her fellow runners and teammates. Based on these two factors and her desire to help others, Megan was a volunteer coach for Girls On The Run. She felt it was important to help young girls and Megan wanted to be a positive influence on them. Megan wanted to be a positive role model and show young girls how to overcome tough situations and mature into empowered young women making a positive impact on society.

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Guns To Gardens

Guns to Gardens is a national movement focusing on people turning over firearms. People can turnover firearms no questions asked in exchange for a gift card and a garden tool made from a decommissioned weapon.

Raw Tools

Raw Tools is a national organization supporting the Guns to Gardens movement. Their mission is to take unwanted or unused guns and creatively turn them into safe and useful garden tools. Please check out the Raw Tools website for additional information regarding their mission, the gun return program, other programs & resources, local events or organizing an event in your community with your church or a local business.

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Harmony Springs

Harmony Springs is a church located in Uniontown, OH and is affiliated with the Guns to Garden movement through Raw Tools. Harmony Springs held their first annual Guns to Garden event on September 14, 2024. Ironically, the event was held exactly one month after the passing of Megan. Harmony Springs is a part of the growing Guns to Garden national network and their annual event will be honoring Megan.