Megan’s Story

On August 14, 2024, the life of Megan Keleman was unexpectedly cut short. Megan was just starting her life and professional journey. She was wide eyed and full of hope striving to have a positive impact on the world we live in. Megan helped those who needed help and spoke up for those who could not or were afraid to speak up.


Megan and Kelly with Sunglasses

Megan Touched the Lives of Many People!

Even as a small child, she would wave to someone and somehow they were immediately drawn to her. Maybe it was those big blue eyes, that infectious smile, her sunny disposition or just her natural way of connecting with people. Megan carried that throughout her short lived life and made a huge positive impact on every person she came in contact with.

Growing Up in Stow

Megan’s journey began in Stow, where she immersed herself in the world of ballet during her elementary years. She discovered her passion for music by learning the violin and participated in orchestra from middle school through her junior year of high school. Throughout her middle and high school years, she actively engaged in church youth groups and embarked on missions trips, experiences that deepened her understanding of the importance of advocating for the less fortunate and giving a voice to the voiceless. A dedicated athlete, Megan ran cross country throughout middle and high school and competed in track during her freshman to junior years. Her enthusiasm for STEM led her to enroll in the Six District Educational Compact during her junior and senior years, a program designed to provide students with valuable career-technical education and resources. This experience allowed Megan to thrive both academically and personally, as she learned to collaborate with and respect a diverse range of individuals. These formative experiences laid the groundwork for Megan’s core values, shaping her into a vibrant and outspoken young woman as she transitioned into college life.

At the Beginning of the Second Semester of Megan’s Senior Year

Megan faced a challenging turn of events when she fell seriously ill and required emergency surgery. Doctors had to remove a section of her colon that was no longer functioning. Given the location and extent of the removal, we were left uncertain about the implications for Megan’s future. Fortunately, after a successful surgery, we learned that delaying the procedure could have reduced her chances of survival. Thanks to the unwavering love and support from her family, friends, medical team, and church community, Megan made a remarkable recovery just in time for Prom and to graduate high school. This journey not only strengthened Megan but also brought our family closer together, reinforcing the bonds that will carry us forward.

Mean's High School Graduation
Megan CSU Graduation with Family

Megan was Very Proud of Being a CSU Viking!

She obtained both her Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree from Cleveland State University. While carrying a heavy academic load as an undergraduate student and wanting to make life better for everyone on campus and in the surrounding communities, Megan was very active in student life while attending CSU. She was involved in Greek life as a founding member & President of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority, became President of the Panhellenic Association, continued being active in student government, worked in the Admissions Office, and was a contributing writer & Editor-in-Chief of CSU’s newspaper the Cauldron (See links below for some of Megan’s articles)

Articles by Megan

Lift People Up, Don’t Tear Them Down
Read Article

When You Give A Girl A Strong Mom
Read Article

Why Everyone Should Be Happy That It’s Tribe Time Again
Read Article

Remembering Megan: by Nick Hawks
Read Article

While Megan was Pursuing Her Master’s Degree in Finance

Megan worked part-time at a non-profit organization called Shelter Care located in Tallmadge, Ohio. Shelter Care is a residential treatment program for children ages 6 to 18 who have emotional or behavioral problems. During this time, Megan flourished professionally and had a growing desire to pursue a career in the nonprofit industry. Due to her passion for helping others and wanting to make a positive change in the lives of at-risk youth, Megan accepted a full-time position with Shelter Care in May of 2024 soon after receiving her master’s degree. In the very brief time of her budding career, Megan made a lasting and positive impact on the staff and on the youth at Shelter Care.

More About Shelter Care

Shelter Care Logo white

Girls on the Run Group

Megan Loved Being Busy.

Even working full-time, she enjoyed doing things for family, friends and for others. Megan was always willing to help her mother, father and brother to make their hectic lives easier. Megan still managed to find time to volunteer as a coach for Girls On the Run, which is a program that helps girls build confidence, learn life skills, and connect with others through running. She wanted to be a positive role model for young girls and to show them how to be an empowered woman. Megan would teach these young girls how to succeed by pushing through tough obstacles (like running a 5K or life situations) and tell them that there are always people who will be there for support.

More About Girls On the Run

Megan loved being a Dog Mom.

Penny was adopted as a puppy on 9/3/2023. Penny is the family dog but somehow she became Megan’s dog. Megan loved to pamper and spoil Penny. Penny was Megan’s buddy and wherever Megan went, Penny was nearby. Penny will always be Megan’s loyal companion.

Megan & Penny On Sofa v2
Megan Hotdog Suit Indians Game

Initial funding for Megan’s Rainbow of Hope came from donations raised shortly after Megan’s passing

We are very grateful for the numerous people who made generous contributions to initially fund Megan’s Rainbow of Hope. We greatly appreciate you considering making a contribution in any amount to either of the Scholarship Funds or any of the causes supported by Megan’s Rainbow of Hope. Our hope is to make funds available long into the future for the scholarships offered and to provide resources to the causes being supported.

We Want to Thank

  • Our Family & Friends
  • Neighbors
  • The City of Stow
  • Our Church Family
  • Local, State & Federal Officials
  • Strangers for Their Support